Omniwheel, printed on 3D printer SkyOne

An omniwheel - is a compound wheel with small rolls, which are placed circumferentially perpendicular to rotation direction. The main idea is that the motion direction can be changed easily due to these rolls. Omniwheels are very popular as traveling mechanisms in robotics. It can be used in virtually any transportation devices. One of the most attractive use cases of the omniwheel in cars - parallel automobile parking, which is very actual in our times in metropolises, with their road traffic congestions and lack of parkng areas.

We made such the omniwheel using our 3D printer SkyOne. Below are few photos of the printing.

Omniwheel 1

Omniwheel 2

Omniwheel 3

Omniwheel 4

Omniwheel 5

Omniwheel 6

Omniwheel 7